Fun Games to Play at the Park: Outdoor Activities for Kids and Families
Looking for something fun to do outdoors with your kids and family? Look no further than the park! There are all sorts of games that you can play in the park, from tag to foursquare to hide and seek. In this blog post, we will discuss some of our favorite games to play at the park. We'll also provide tips on how to make these games more enjoyable for everyone involved. So pack up your picnic lunch and get ready for some fun!
This classic game is a great way to get everyone moving and everyone loves a good game of tag. The object of the game is to avoid being tagged by the person who is “it.” You can make the game more challenging by adding in obstacles, such as trees or benches, that players have to navigate around.

Four Square
This is a great game for larger groups of people. All you need is a large open space and four players. The object of the game is to bounce a ball into one of the squares that the other players are standing in. If someone misses the ball, they are out of the game.
Hide and Seek
This classic game can be played with any number of people. One player is chosen to be “it” and counts to a certain number while the other players hide. Once the player has finished counting, they try to find all of the hidden players. The first person to be found is “it” for the next round.
Obstacle Course
If you bring a few items from home you can set up an obstacle course at the park. You can also use some of the items you find at the park as part of your course. This is a great game for all ages as you can adjust the course to suit everyone.

Red Light, Green Light
This is another great game for younger children. One player is chosen to be “it” and stands at one end of the playing area. The other players line up at the other end of the playing area. “It” then calls out “Green light!” and all of the players start walking towards “it.” When “it” calls out “Red light!”, all of the players must stop. If anyone is caught moving, they are out of the game. The first person to reach “it” is the winner.
Cut out the clues and place them around the park or playground. Watch as your kids and their friends works them out and solves the clues/riddles, these are fun and the kids will have a great time trying to work them out.
Capture the Flag
This classic game is a great way to get everyone moving. The object of the game is to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your own base. You can make the game more challenging by adding in obstacles, such as trees or benches, that players have to navigate around.
This is a great game for larger groups of people. All you need is a large open space and two teams of players. The object of the game is to score goals by kicking the ball into the other team's net. You do not need an actual net, you can designate a space such as between trees as your team's 'net'. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

This classic game can be played with any number of people. The object of the game is to throw the Frisbee to other players and have them catch it. If someone drops the Frisbee, they are out of the game. The last person standing is the winner.
Ultimate Flying DiscFrisbee Rings
Ultra-Star Ultimate Frisbee
This is a great game for older children and adults. All you need is a horseshoe pit and two players. The object of the game is to throw horseshoes at stakes in the ground and score points by wrapping them around the stake or getting them close to the stake. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Outdoor Horseshoe SetGiant Horseshoes Game Set
Simon Says
This classic game of Simon Says is ideal for younger children. To play, one person is chosen to be Simon and the other players are lined up in front of them. Simon will give a command such as “do a jumping jack” or “run and touch that tree” and the players must do what Simon says. If a player does not do what Simon says, they are out of the game. The last person standing is the winner!

Many parks have a basketball court so make the most of it with a fun game of Basketball. This is a great game for older children and adults. All you need is a basketball hoop and two players. The object of the game is to shoot the ball into the other player's basket and score points. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. If you have younger children playing, you could turn this into a game of HORSE. Everyone takes turns shooting and if you miss you get an H. Next time you miss you get the letter O. First person to spell H-O-R-S-E is out.
Spalding Street Outdoor BasketballWILSON Evolution Game Basketball
Tug of War
You will need a rope and two teams of people. The object of the game is to pull the other team across the line in the middle of the playing area. Each team lines up on opposite sides of the playing area, holding onto one end of the rope. The referee calls out “Ready, Set, Go!” and the teams start pulling on the rope. The team that pulls the other team across the line in the middle of the playing area is the winner.

Follow the leader
This is a fun game to play at the park, especially for younger kids. The object of the game is for one person to be the leader and the other person or people follow behind them, imitating everything they do. The leader can make up any crazy movements they want and the followers have to try to keep up. This game is sure to get everyone laughing.

Take some chalk along to the park to play this fun game. Draw a hopscotch board on the ground with the chalk. Then toss a small stone or other object onto one of the numbered squares and then hop on one foot through the rest of the course, picking up the object as you go. If you step on a line or miss a square, you have to start over. The first person to finish the course is the winner.

Chain Tag
This is a fun variation of the original tag game and perfect to play at the park with a group of people. One person to start as “It” and then try to tag other people in the group. Once someone is tagged, they must join the chain by linking arms or holding hands with the person who just tagged them. The chain gets bigger and bigger as more people are tagged. The game is over when the last person has been tagged and added to the chain.

The Floor is Lava
This is again another variation on the classic game of tag. One person starts as 'It' and must try to tag everyone. The object of the game is to avoid touching the ground, as it is lava. The players can climb and swing on the trees, benches, playground or other objects while trying to stay off the ground. The person who is 'It' can only tag players when they are on the ground. It is a good idea to set a playing area and also only allow players to stay off the ground for 5 seconds before they must move again. This will give the person who is 'it' a fair chance to tag them.
Scavenger Hunt
A nature scavenger hunt is a fun game for the whole family. Before you go to the park, make a list of items that you might find there. Once you’re at the park, see if you can find all of the items on your list. This is a great way to explore nature and learn about different plants and animals.

I Spy
This is a fun game to play at the park with younger kids. The object of the game is to find an object that the other person has chosen. The person who is “It” starts by saying, “I spy with my little eye something…” and then describes the object they are looking for. The other person then has to look around and try to find the object. Once they find it, they say, “I found it!” and then get to be “It” for the next round.
Hot or Cold
This is a variation of the I Spy game. The 'Caller' must look around the park and write down something that they can see, but don't show this to the players. Staying together, everyone else must run around the park trying to find the item written on the paper. The only clues they get is from the 'Caller" saying Hot or Cold if they are getting closer or further away from the item.
There are so many fun games to play at the park, and these are just a few of them. These games are a great way to get active and have some fun with your family and friends. Be sure to take along some chalk so you can play hopscotch, or bring along a nature scavenger hunt list to explore the park. And don’t forget to have fun!
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