First Birthday Party Games

First Birthday Party Games

Your baby’s first birthday is a milestone worth celebrating in style. While planning the perfect party, you might be wondering how to keep your little guests entertained. 

Here are some fun and engaging games that will make your baby's first birthday party unforgettable. There are game ideas for both the little ones and adults, ensuring everyone has a fantastic time.

First Birthday Party Games for Adults

While this celebration is all about your little one, it’s also a great opportunity to make sure your adult guests have a blast too. Including games for the grown-ups at a first birthday party can make the event even more enjoyable and memorable for everyone. 

Party games will keep everyone, especially those adult guests without young children engaged and having fun. They will appreciate something to do besides mingling and watching the children play.

These games are also great icebreakers which will help guest who may not know each other very well. They also add to the fun and excitement of the party.

1. Baby Trivia Quiz 

Test your guests' knowledge with a baby-themed trivia quiz. Prepare a list of questions about baby milestones, famous babies, or fun facts about your baby’s first year. Divide guests into teams and see who knows the most about the little ones. 

One Year Old Birthday Party Games

First Birthday Games Bundle

2. Baby Photo Guessing Game 

Before the party, ask guests to send in baby photos of themselves. Print them out and display them on a board. Guests can take turns guessing who’s who. This nostalgic game is sure to bring lots of laughs and surprises as everyone tries to identify each other from their baby pictures.

3. Diaper Changing Challenge 

Set up a diaper changing station with baby dolls and diapers. Time your guests to see who can change the diaper the fastest. Add a blindfold to make it even more challenging! This game is not only hilarious but also gives non-parents a taste of what it’s like to handle diaper duty.

4. Baby Charades 

Put a baby twist on the classic game of charades. Write down baby-related actions or items (like changing a diaper, feeding a baby, or taking first steps) on slips of paper. Guests take turns acting out the clues without speaking while others guess. Baby charades is a guaranteed way to get everyone laughing and involved.

5. Guess the Baby Food 

Buy a variety of baby food jars and remove the labels. Number each jar and have guests taste a small spoonful, then write down their guesses for each flavor. The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize. This game is fun and slightly challenging, as baby food flavors can be surprisingly tricky to identify!

6. Trivia Games 

Create fun trivia sheets and test your guests knowledge about nursery rhymes or baby animals. Such a fun and interactive activity.

Printable Animal Trivia Game with answers

Animal Trivia Games

7. Onesie Decorating Station 

Set up a onesie decorating station with plain onesies, fabric markers, and iron-on decals. Guests can create personalized designs for the birthday baby. This activity is both fun and creative, and the decorated onesies make for wonderful keepsakes.

8. Baby Bingo 

Create bingo cards with baby-related words or phrases, like "first steps," "teething," "diaper blowout," etc. As you call out the words, guests mark them off on their cards. The first person to get a full row shouts "Bingo!" and wins a prize. This game is easy to play and keeps everyone engaged.

9. Pacifier Hunt 

Hide pacifiers around the party area and have guests search for them. The person who finds the most pacifiers wins a prize. This simple game adds a fun element of surprise and competition to the party.

10. Baby Sock Matching 

Mix up pairs of baby socks in a basket. Guests race against each other to match the socks correctly. It’s a fun and fast-paced game that’s harder than it looks, especially with tiny baby socks!

11. Who’s That Baby? 

Collect baby photos of all your guests and display them on a board. Number each photo and give guests a sheet to write their guesses on. At the end of the party, reveal the identities and see who guessed the most correctly. This game is nostalgic and brings lots of laughs as guests see each other as babies.

12. Bottle Chugging Contest 

Fill baby bottles with a drink of your choice (juice or water). Guests compete to see who can drink from the bottle the fastest. This hilarious game is sure to get everyone laughing and is a fun twist on a classic drinking game.

14. Baby Milestone Guessing Game 

Create a list of baby milestones (first word, first tooth, first steps, etc.) and have guests guess the age at which the baby hit each milestone. The person with the most accurate guesses wins a prize. This game is a fun way to highlight the baby’s achievements over the past year.

15. Baby Prediction Cards 

Have guests fill out prediction cards with guesses about the baby’s future (e.g., future profession, favorite sport, favorite hobby). Collect the cards and read them out loud. It’s a fun and interactive way to engage guests and imagine what the future holds for your little one.

16. Emoji Pictionary 

Create a list of baby-related phrases and convert them into emojis. Guests have to guess what each phrase is. This modern twist on Pictionary is sure to get everyone thinking and laughing.

17. Celebrity Baby Name Match 

Create a list of celebrity baby names and a list of their famous parents. Guests have to match the baby names to the correct parents. This game is fun and can be surprisingly challenging!

Including games for adults at a first birthday party ensures that everyone has a great time and feels involved in the celebration. With these fun and engaging game ideas, your baby’s first birthday party will be a hit with guests of all ages.

First Birthday Games for the Little Ones

These games are perfect for babies and toddlers, and will keep them entertained during the party.

First birthday girl

1. Baby Sensory Station 

Babies are naturally curious, and a sensory station can be a wonderful way to engage their senses. Create different sensory experiences with items like:

  • Soft fabrics and textured toys for touch.
  • Shiny and colorful objects for visual stimulation.
  • Shakers and rattles for sound.

Set up a safe area with blankets and pillows where babies can explore these sensory treasures. 

2. Bubble Bonanza 

Bubbles are magical for babies and toddlers. Set up a bubble machine or blow bubbles yourself. Watching the bubbles float and pop will keep the little ones captivated. You can even encourage them to reach out and pop the bubbles, helping with their motor skills.

3. Musical Mats 

Transform a simple game of musical chairs into a baby-friendly version with musical mats. Lay out soft mats or blankets in a circle. When the music plays, parents can gently guide their babies to crawl or walk around the mats. When the music stops, everyone finds a mat to sit on. It’s a great way to introduce the concept of taking turns and enjoying music.

4. Storytime Corner 

Create a cozy storytime corner with cushions, soft blankets, and a selection of colorful board books. Designate a time during the party for a group story session. Choose interactive books with flaps, textures, or sound buttons to keep the babies engaged. This quiet activity provides a nice break from the more energetic games.

5. Balloon Crawl 

Fill a play area with balloons, making sure they are securely tied and cannot pop. Babies will love crawling through the sea of balloons, pushing them around, and exploring the different colors and textures. This game is simple yet endlessly entertaining for little explorers.

6. Peekaboo Parlor 

Set up a peekaboo station with a curtain or large piece of fabric. Parents can take turns hiding behind the curtain and popping out to surprise their babies. This classic game of peekaboo never fails to delight, and it’s a great way for parents to interact with their little ones.

7. Soft Play Area 

If you have the space, set up a soft play area with foam mats, pillows, and age-appropriate toys. This safe and comfortable zone allows babies to crawl, roll, and play freely. Include toys like stacking rings, soft blocks, and plush animals to keep them entertained.

8. Baby Photo Booth 

Create a baby photo booth with fun props and a cute backdrop. Provide items like hats, glasses, and toy instruments. Parents can hold their babies and take adorable photos. It’s a great way to capture memories and give guests a fun activity to do together.

First birthday boy

9. Baby Ball Pit 

A small inflatable pool filled with plastic balls can be a hit with the little ones. Babies love the sensation of being surrounded by the balls and will enjoy picking them up and throwing them. Ensure the balls are large enough to prevent any choking hazards.

10. Puppet Show 

Put on a short puppet show using hand puppets or finger puppets. Choose a simple story or nursery rhyme that the babies will recognize. The colorful puppets and animated performance will capture their attention and spark their imaginations.

11. Crawling Race 

For the more active babies, organize a crawling race. Set up a soft, safe track and encourage parents to cheer on their babies as they crawl to the finish line. It’s a fun way to get everyone involved and celebrate each baby’s unique crawling style.

12. Sing-Along Session 

Gather everyone for a sing-along session with classic nursery rhymes and baby songs. Provide simple instruments like maracas, tambourines, and bells for the babies to shake and play along.

13. Baby Dance Party 

Turn up the music and have a baby dance party! Play a mix of upbeat children’s songs and encourage parents to dance with their babies. Whether they’re swaying, bouncing, or clapping, the little ones will love moving to the rhythm.

14. Shape Sorter Station 

Set up a station with shape sorters and stacking toys. Babies can explore different shapes and colors while working on their hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. .

15. Water Play Splash Zone 

If the weather is warm and you’re hosting an outdoor party, set up a small water play area. Use a shallow water table or a baby pool with water toys. Always supervise closely to ensure safety. Babies love splashing and playing with water, making this a refreshing activity.

16. Mess-Free Painting 

Let the babies create their own masterpieces with mess-free painting. Place a sheet of paper inside a ziplock bag and add a few drops of non-toxic paint. Seal the bag and tape it to a flat surface. Babies can squish and spread the paint around without getting messy.

17. Baby Obstacle Course 

Set up a baby-friendly obstacle course with soft pillows, tunnels, and low ramps. Encourage babies to crawl, climb, and explore the course. 

18. Memory Lane Slideshow 

Create a slideshow of your baby’s first-year milestones and play it during the party. Include photos and short videos of their first smile, first steps, and other special moments. It’s a heartwarming way to celebrate your baby’s journey and share memories with guests.

19. Goodbye Bubbles 

As the party winds down, finish with a “Goodbye Bubbles” activity. Have a bubble machine blowing bubbles as guests leave. It’s a delightful send-off that leaves everyone with a smile.

1st Birthday party Checklist

Planning a first birthday party can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming, but don't worry, we've got you covered with this super simple and fun 10 step checklist.

first birthday party

1. Pick a Theme 

Start by choosing a theme that suits your baby’s personality (or your current obsession!). Whether it’s a cute animal safari, magical unicorns, or a classic “One-derland,” a theme will help guide your decorations, cake, and even the activities.

2. Send Out Invitations 

Once you have a theme, it's time to invite your family and friends. You can go digital with e-vites or get crafty with handmade cards. Make sure to send them out a few weeks in advance to give everyone plenty of time to RSVP.

3. Plan the Menu 

Keep it simple and kid-friendly! Think mini sandwiches, fruit skewers, and, of course, a smash cake for the birthday baby. Don’t forget drinks for the grown-ups, some refreshing punch or iced tea should do the trick.

4. Decorations Galore 

Deck out your space with balloons, banners, and anything that matches your theme. A photo backdrop can be a fantastic addition for capturing those precious moments. If you’re crafty, break out your Cricut machine and create some personalized decor.

5. Entertainment & Activities 

For the littlest guests, set up a soft play area with colorful mats and toys. Older kids might enjoy a craft station or a simple game like "Pin the Tail on the Donkey." And don't forget the music, a portable Bluetooth speaker can keep the party vibes going.

6. Party Favors 

Send your guests home with a little something to remember the day. Cute and simple favors like bubbles, stickers, or a small toy can make the kiddos super happy.

7. Capture the Memories 

Make sure to designate someone to take photos or hire a photographer if it's within your budget. Those adorable cake smash pics and family shots will be priceless memories for years to come.

8. The Birthday Outfit 

Pick out an outfit for the birthday star that’s comfy but festive. You want them to be free to crawl, play, and, of course, smash that cake without any restrictions.

9. Timing is Everything 

Plan your party around your baby’s nap schedule. A well-rested baby is a happy baby, and you want your little one to enjoy their special day as much as possible.

10. Have Fun! 

Lastly, relax and enjoy the celebration. It’s a day to honor your baby and the amazing first year you’ve shared. Soak in the love, laughter, and joy of this unforgettable moment.

Happy planning, and here’s to a fabulous first birthday party for your little one 


  1. How do I keep older kids entertained at a 1st birthday party?

    • Consider setting up a craft station or a simple obstacle course tailored to their age group. It's a great way to keep them engaged while the babies play.
  2. What are some good 1st birthday party themes?

    • Popular themes include animals, fairy tales, or colors. Pick a theme that's easy to decorate for and can be fun for both kids and adults.
  3. How many guests should I invite to a 1st birthday party?

    • Keep it intimate. A smaller group makes it easier to manage and keeps the environment calm for the babies.
  4. What should I serve at a 1st birthday party?

    • Offer a mix of baby-friendly snacks and adult appetizers. Finger foods are usually a hit for all ages.
  5. How can I make sure the birthday child enjoys their party?

    • Plan the party around their nap and feeding times, keep the environment calm and engaging, and don't forget to spend some special moments with them during the celebration.

Remember, the best parties are the ones filled with love and laughter. Here's to a fantastic 1st birthday celebration!