Christmas Conversation Starters

Christmas Conversation Starters

Christmas is that magical time of year when family get together, cozy up our holiday sweaters, and enjoy a bit too much of everything, especially awkward silences around the dinner table.

Let’s be real, sometimes the conversations can get a little...stale. You’re sitting there, stuffing your face with mashed potatoes, wondering how to keep things merry and bright without diving into “how’s the weather?” territory for the fifth time.

Well, worry no more! I have juggled holiday chaos and plenty of family get-togethers, and have picked up a few tricks along the way. I’m sharing my go-to Christmas conversation starters to keep things warm, engaging, and maybe even hilarious. Whether you’re chatting with Grandma or trying to break the ice with that cousin you only see once a year, these will help you keep the festive spirit alive.

printable christmas conversation starter cards

How to Use Conversation Starters

Sometimes holiday gatherings can hit a lull. You’ve got everyone together, but between catching up and trying to avoid the same old small talk, the conversation can feel a little flat. That’s where conversation starters come to the rescue!

Conversation starters help break the ice, especially if you’ve got a mix of relatives and friends who may not see each other often. Plus, they take the pressure off coming up with the “perfect” topic, so you can relax and just enjoy each other’s company.

Using conversation starters is as simple as slipping them into your regular chit-chat. You can casually toss one out when the room goes quiet, or even plan ahead and ask one during dinner to get things going.

Here are a few fun ideas on how to use conversation starters at your Christmas gathering:

  1. Print and Scatter on the Table:
    Print out your conversation starters on cute little cards (maybe with some festive designs) and scatter them across the dinner table. You can place them near each plate or in a little jar for people to pick from as they please. This adds a fun element of surprise and makes it easy for anyone to jump in and ask a question without feeling awkward.

  2. Make Them Part of the Place Settings:
    Want to get fancy? Incorporate conversation starters into your table décor! You can tuck a card under each guest’s napkin, tie it with a little ribbon, or even attach one to their name cards. It gives everyone something to talk about right from the start, and it feels special and personalized.

  3. Use Them in a Christmas Game:
    Turn the conversation starters into a game! You can make it a rule that after each person answers, they get to choose the next person to answer another question. Or, create a "Christmas Conversation Bingo" where each person has to get someone to answer certain types of questions (like funny or sentimental stories).

  4. Add to the Dessert Round:
    During dessert, pull out a jar or bowl filled with conversation starters. Pass it around the table, letting everyone draw one and answer the question they pick. It’s a sweet way to keep the chat flowing while everyone’s enjoying their pie and cookies!

  5. Conversation Starter Ornaments:
    For a unique twist, write your conversation starters on Christmas ornaments (paper or DIY ornaments work great for this!). Hang them on the tree, and during the party, each guest can take turns picking an ornament and reading the question. It’s festive and interactive!

  6. Use Them for Kids' Table Fun:
    If you’ve got a kids' table, print out some fun, age-appropriate conversation starters and let the kids pass them around. They’ll have a blast sharing their favorite Christmas memories or debating the best holiday movie.

Fun Christmas Conversation Starter Ideas

"What's Your Favorite Christmas Memory?"

This one always gets the warm fuzzies going. Asking someone to share a favorite holiday memory is like inviting them to unwrap a little piece of their past. You’ll get everything from heartwarming stories of Grandma’s famous cookies to laugh-out-loud moments involving a disastrous Christmas tree incident (we all have one, right?).

"If You Could Spend Christmas Anywhere in the World, Where Would It Be?"

This question is like a little window into someone’s dream holiday. Are they craving a snowy Christmas in a mountain cabin? Or maybe a sunny escape on a tropical beach with no snow in sight? You’ll get some creative answers and maybe even some vacation ideas for next year! 

"What's the Worst Christmas Gift You've Ever Received?"

Okay, this one is pure fun. We’ve all gotten at least one gift that made us wonder, “What were they thinking?” Whether it’s a pair of socks with reindeer on them or a weird kitchen gadget no one knows how to use, sharing these stories will have everyone laughing. 

"What’s Your All-Time Favorite Christmas Movie?"

Everyone has that one holiday movie they just have to watch every year, whether it’s “Home Alone,” “Elf,” or “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This question is an instant icebreaker, and you might even find out some hidden favorites you’ve never heard of. Bonus: it’s a great way to get some movie marathon ideas for after dinner. 

"What’s One Christmas Tradition You’d Love to Start?"

This one gets people thinking about the future and what they’d like to do differently. Maybe someone’s been dying to try a holiday cookie bake-off, or maybe they want to start a Christmas morning pajama party tradition. It’s a sweet way to learn what makes the season special for everyone and maybe even pick up some new traditions yourself. 

"If You Could Invite Any Celebrity to Christmas Dinner, Who Would It Be?"

This one’s a total wild card and can lead to some pretty funny answers. From famous chefs who could whip up a gourmet meal to actors who could entertain everyone with stories, the possibilities are endless. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to have Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson passing the mashed potatoes? 

"What’s the Best Christmas Song of All Time?"

Cue the Mariah Carey sing-along. Seriously, nothing gets a Christmas gathering buzzing like a debate over which holiday tune is the best. Is it the classic “White Christmas,” or is your crowd more into Jingle Bell Rock? Be prepared for an impromptu karaoke session. 

"What’s Your Go-To Christmas Day Outfit?"

We’ve all got our favorite holiday get-up—whether it’s cozy pajamas, an ugly Christmas sweater, or something a little more fancy for the dinner table. This one’s light and playful, and people love sharing their Christmas fashion (or lack thereof). 

"What’s Your Favorite Christmas Food?"

Food is the centerpiece of any Christmas gathering, and everyone has that one dish they look forward to every year. Whether it’s Grandma’s famous stuffing, Aunt Linda’s cookies, or your own homemade ham, this question is sure to spark some delicious conversations. 

"What’s the Funniest Thing That’s Ever Happened at a Family Christmas?"

End the night with a good laugh by asking everyone to share their funniest Christmas moments. Whether it’s a kid who unwrapped everyone’s presents or that one year the cat climbed the Christmas tree (oh yes, it happens), this question will have everyone reminiscing and laughing together.

Christmas Conversation Starters for Kids

Here are some fun and kid-friendly Christmas conversation starters to get the little ones chatting and giggling:

kids christmas
  1. What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
  2. If you could only eat one Christmas treat for the rest of the month, what would it be?
  3. Would you rather live in a gingerbread house or at the North Pole?
  4. What would you ask Santa if you could meet him in person?
  5. What’s your favorite Christmas movie or TV show?
  6. If you were one of Santa’s reindeer, which one would you be and why?
  7. What’s your favorite thing to do when it snows?
  8. What would you name a new Christmas elf?
  9. If you could create a new Christmas tradition, what would it be?
  10. Which Christmas song do you think Santa sings while he’s delivering presents?
  11. If you could decorate the Christmas tree with anything (not just ornaments), what would you use?
  12. What’s your favorite Christmas memory?
  13. Would you rather have Christmas lights that change colors or ones that play music?
  14. If you could make your own snow globe, what would be inside?
  15. What’s your favorite Christmas decoration at home?
  16. If you could have any Christmas superpower, what would it be?
  17. Which Christmas character would you want to invite to dinner—Santa, Frosty, or Rudolph?
  18. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened during Christmas?
  19. If you could fly in Santa’s sleigh for one night, where would you go?
  20. If you could pick only three things for Christmas dinner, what would they be?

Christmas Conversation Starters for Teens

Teens can be a bit harder to entertain so here are some conversation ideas to help get them all chatting and having fun. 

teens christmas
  1. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during the holidays?
  2. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  3. Which Christmas movie do you think is totally overrated?
  4. What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever given to someone?
  5. If you could swap places with any Christmas character for a day, who would it be?
  6. Would you rather decorate the entire house or wrap all the presents for everyone?
  7. If you could invent a new Christmas tradition for your family, what would it be?
  8. What’s your ultimate Christmas playlist song that you never get tired of?
  9. What Christmas food could you live without?
  10. If you had to dress up in a Christmas costume, what would you be?
  11. What’s the weirdest or funniest gift you’ve ever received?
  12. Would you rather go ice skating or stay inside drinking hot chocolate all day?
  13. If you could have any celebrity join your Christmas celebration, who would it be and why?
  14. Do you prefer a white Christmas with snow or a warm, sunny Christmas on the beach?
  15. What’s your favorite Christmas meme or viral holiday video?
  16. If you could give Santa a new job, what would it be?
  17. What’s one thing you’d change about how your family celebrates Christmas?
  18. Would you rather binge-watch Christmas movies or bake Christmas treats all day?
  19. Which Christmas character (Santa, Grinch, etc.) would make the best BFF?
  20. If you could only choose one Christmas decoration for your room, what would it be?

Family Friendly Christmas Conversation Starters 

Here are some family-friendly Christmas conversation starters to keep everyone, young and old, talking and laughing:

  1. What’s your favorite family Christmas tradition, and why?
  2. If you were in charge of Christmas dinner, what would you serve?
  3. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you during Christmas shopping?
  4. Would you rather build a snowman or have a snowball fight?
  5. What’s the best part of celebrating Christmas with family?
  6. If you could invite any fictional character to Christmas dinner, who would it be?
  7. What’s one thing you hope never changes about Christmas in our family?
  8. What’s your favorite Christmas memory from when you were little?
  9. If you could create a new Christmas holiday, what would it celebrate?
  10. What’s one thing you’re grateful for this Christmas season?
  11. Would you rather watch a Christmas movie marathon or play Christmas games all day?
  12. If you could design your dream Christmas tree, what would it look like?
  13. What’s one Christmas tradition you’d like to start next year?
  14. What Christmas activity do you look forward to the most each year?
  15. If Santa had a sidekick other than his elves or reindeer, who or what would it be?
  16. What’s your favorite way to give back or help others during the Christmas season?
  17. If you had to describe Christmas in just three words, what would they be?
  18. Which Christmas song gets stuck in your head the most every year?
  19. If you could wrap one special memory from this year as a Christmas gift, what would it be?
  20. What’s your funniest or most creative idea for a Christmas gift you’ve ever come up with?

Christmas This or That Game

Christmas is all about connection, and these conversation starters are the perfect way to keep the spirit bright and merry. Whether you’re gathered around the dinner table, lounging by the fireplace, or in the middle of a cookie-eating marathon, these questions will help you make memories, share laughs, and maybe even start new traditions