FREE Printable Christmas Dice Game
Looking for a fun and festive way to spend time with your family during the holidays? Look no further than these printable Christmas dice games.
These printable dice games are perfect for all ages and can be played by any number of people. They are a great way to get into the holiday spirit and have some laughs with your loved ones.
Our Christmas Gift Exchange Dice Game is a fun variation of a white elephant gift exchange. Our Christmas Candy Dice game is perfect for the kids and can be downloaded for FREE.
Best of all, these printable games take only minutes to set up and you can print them out right at home!
Printable Christmas Gift Exchange Dice Game
This printable Christmas Gift Exchange Dice Game is a fun way to exchange gifts with your family and friends. Set a price range of say $10 for a gift and ask all of your guests to bring one wrapped gift to this value. As you don't know who will end up with each gift suggest they bring a gift suitable for all age groups.
Christmas Dice Game Instructions
When everyone arrives have them put their presents into a pile in the center of the room. To start the game each player can choose one gift from the pile, making sure not to start with their own gift. Alternatively the host of the party can hand a gift to everyone
How to play
To play, everyone takes turns rolling the two dice. The player must roll both dice at once, add the two dice together and follow the corresponding actions depending on what they roll:
Total of two - everyone must pass their presents to the first person on their right.
Total or three or nine - you can steal any present you want from someone else.
Total of four or ten - everyone must pass their presents to the first person on their left.
Total of five or twelve - you can unwrap the gift you are holding and that is your gift to keep and you are out of the game.
Total of six - you can choose someone to swap presents with.
Total of seven - allows you to roll again.
Total of eight - you unfortunately miss a turn.
Total of eleven - Everyone must trade their gift with someone else.
Fidget Spinner PopperStar Wars Crew Socks
2 Pack Scented Candles
Pop It Notebook
Tumbler Glasses with Lid
Squishy Toys
Christmas Candy Dice Game
This is another fun Christmas family game that can be played with any number of people. It's a great way to get everyone in the holiday spirit and laughing together.
Find this Christmas Candy Dice Game in our shop or get it FREE below
You will need:
- A print out of the candy dice sheet
- One die
A handful of wrapped candy for each player (unwrapped candy can be used but it is much better to use wrapped candy)
Fruit Flavored Hard Candy50 Pieces Colored Dice
How to play
Place all of the candy in the middle of the table. Each player can select 4 pieces of candy to start the game with. The object of the game is to be the first person to have 10 pieces of candy.
One at a time, everyone rolls the dice and must follow the instructions.
Roll a one - Take one piece of candy from the middle pile
Roll a two - Take two pieces of candy from the middle pile
Roll a three - Give one piece of your candy to someone else
Roll a four - Sorry your turn is skipped
Roll a five - Put one piece of your candy back into the middle pile
Roll a six - Take one piece of candy from anyone you choose
Printable Christmas Candy Dice Games are perfect for groups of any size! It's a great way to get everyone in the holiday spirit and to see what everyone has been up to lately. The games are simple to play and everyone is sure to have a blast.
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