Fun Road Trip Games
A road trip with kids can be a great way to bond as a family and create lasting memories. However, long car rides can also be challenging, particularly when everyone starts to get restless. To help make the most of your next road trip, consider playing some games together in the car. With a little creativity, you can turn even the longest car ride into an enjoyable adventure for the whole family.
Below are some fun travel games to use in order to spruce up your road trip and make the time fly by.
I Spy
This is a classic game that can be played with kids of all ages. To play, one person starts by saying "I spy with my little eye something (color, shape, etc.)." The other players then have to look around and try to guess what the item is. The player who correctly guesses the object gets to choose the next object.
I SPY Travel Card Game for Kids
Trivia Questions
Asking and answering trivia questions is entertaining for both parents and kids. There are many sources of questions. Many board games that families have at home contain stacks of questions that they can bring along in the car. Playing trivia games can make long road trips seem much shorter.
Printable Games
Printable games are a great option for any road trip to keep the kids entertained, you print them out you could put them in a folder and have a whole bunch of different options for the kids. Plus, it's always nice to find new and exciting games to keep the kids occupied.
This printable Road Trip Games and activities is a perfect way to keep the kids occupied until you reach your destination.
This fun Would you Rather game is a great conversation starter and a quick and easy game to play on a road trip.
The Name That Tune Game
This game is great for kids who love music. To play, one person hums a tune and the other players take turns trying to guess the name of the song. The player who correctly guesses the song gets to choose the next tune.
The Storytelling Game
This game is great for kids who love to use their imaginations. To play, one person starts by telling a story. The next player then adds to the story, and so on. The goal is to see how creative the story can get. The player who adds the most interesting element to the story gets to choose the next storyteller.
Fun Family Road Trip Games
Road Trip Games: Car GamesPlay While You Ride - Hilarious Game
Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
The Word Association Game
This game is great for kids who are quick on their feet. To play, one person says a word and the other players take turns saying a word in response that is associated with the first word. The goal is to keep the chain of associations going for as long as possible. The player who makes the most interesting association gets to choose the next word.
Shotgun! - The Hilarious Family Card Game for Road Trips
Looking for a card game to keep the kids entertained on your next long drive? Look no further than Shotgun! This hilarious family card game is perfect for road trips. With 200 cards, it offers hours of fun for all ages. And don't worry about losing any pieces - the box doubles as the game board. So grab a deck and hit the road!
Shotgun! - The Hilarious Family Card Game for Road Trips
The Imagination Game
This game is great for kids who love to use their imaginations. To play, one person starts by describing a scene or situation. The other players then have to use their imaginations to come up with a way to get out of the situation. The player who comes up with the most creative solution gets to choose the next scene or situation.
The What If Game
This game is great for kids who love to ask questions. To play, one person asks a "what if" question and the other players have to come up with possible answers. The player who comes up with the most interesting answer gets to choose the next question.
License Plate Game
Everyone knows this classic game and there are many variations. With so many people travelling, you are bound to see some cars from out of state along your journey. Print out a copy of each state and give it to everyone. They will have have to try to mark off each state when they see that license plate. The person who has marked off the most states in the specified time will win. You can also play this game in teams depending on the number of people in the car, or the winner can be someone who finds a car from the furthest distance.
Flip to Win Travel License Plate GameLicense Plate Travel Sticker Book Game
License Plate Poker
A great game when there is a lot of traffic. Each player picks a car before actually seeing the license plate. The license plate on each chosen car is the hand they are "dealt". Numbers count as number cards (zeros are tens), and letters only count if they match a card: J, Q, K, or A. There are no suits, but two and three of a kind are common, as are straights. Betting is unnecessary - the anticipation as each hand is revealed provides the excitement.
Movie Game
Everyone can play this one also. The person who has seen the most movies has the upper hand. Basically, the first person names a movie. Whatever letter the title ends with, the next person must name a movie that begins with that letter. For instance, if the first movie is "The Karate Kid," the next person could use "Driving Miss. Daisy." If you can not name a movie with that letter then you are out of this round. Continue on until there is only one person left.
Mad Libs
Mad Libs are always fun! Books can be bought and taken on the road to play with for the entire family. Once complete, take turns reading the hilarious stories and that'll make for a great time.
Best of Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word GameGoofy Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Supersize Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word GameMad Libs on the Road: World's Greatest Word Game
Bubble Blowing Contest
Give everyone in the car one piece of bubble gum. The person who blows the largest bubble wins the game!
Paper, Scissors, Rock
This is a great quick and easy game to play. The winner of this game can also be used as the person who can choose the next game to play.
Letter Hunt
Find every letter from A to Z as you are driving along. You can make your rules to suit the age levels. A good idea is that you can only use letters that you find on signs, and you may only use one letter from each sign you see. With more than one person playing, it gets to be a race to see who can find the next letter.
Silly Songs
Unless you have a headache, songs are great. You can share camp songs, old folk tunes you may know, or whatever comes to mind. Laughable lyrics are the best for entertainment purposes. Try a creative song that has room for invention along the way.
"There's a Hole in the Middle of the Sea" for instance, allows you to decide in verse 2 what's in the hole - an anchor, perhaps. Verse three deals with what's on the anchor, and so forth. Not only does it encourage creativity, it builds memory skills too, especially by the time you've gotten out to "there's a reflection on the bubble on the hair on the knot in the rope on the anchor in the hole in the middle of the sea..."

20 Questions
With slightly older children, this is a good one for building logic skills. Patience tends to wear thin after a few rounds, but you can get some decent mileage out of it. If you don't remember the rules - one person thinks of an object, person, or place and the other players take turns asking yes or no questions in an effort to guess what it is. The player who correctly guesses the object, person, or place gets to choose the next object.
Alphabet Game
This is a game with unlimited variations. The basic premise is that the people in the car say a word that begins with a letter in the alphabet, beginning with the letter "A." When it gets to the next person, they move on to the next letter. For example, the first person could say "abracadabra," the next person could say "burger," the third person could say "crackers," and so on. The game can be suited to any age. If a player can't think of a word, they are out of the game. The last person remaining is the winner.
Try variations on the theme to switch it up. Below are some fun spins on the alphabet game. Try only saying words in these categories:
Verbs only
- Animals
- Topics regarding the trip destination (the zoo for example)
- Topics from an audiobook that was played in the car
- Famous characters
- Foods
- Books
- Things that are green
Each of these games will provide plenty of entertainment for any road trip. Don't make your next journey a boring one that lasts forever. Road trips should always be fun and exciting. These games can be played with as few as two people or as many as are in your car.

More Fun Game Ideas:
Rainy days are the perfect time for some indoor fun. But why keep the kids indoors when they would much rather be playing games in the rain? These fun and wet games are sure to keep kids entertained for hours on end. From classic games like puddle jumping and float a boat, to newer favorites like slip and slide making, there's something here for everyone. So grab a few umbrellas and get ready to have some wet and wild fun!
Looking for something fun to do with your family? Why not try a family evening at home playing family party games There are many different games and activities that can keep everyone entertained. Whether you are looking for something educational or just plain fun, we have you covered!