Indoor Snow Day Games
As much as children enjoy snow days and the break from school, there are times when the white stuff becomes too much of a good thing. Blizzard conditions, extreme cold, or high winds may conspire to keep you and the kids cooped up in the house.
Don't despair, even if the weather outside is terrible, inside doesn't have to be. You can keep children entertained with creative indoor games that may help ward off cabin fever.

When the weather is too cold to go outside, these printable games are a perfect indoor activity. From scavenger hunts to trivia games, these games will keep the kids entertained all day.
Indoor Sock Volleyball
This game allows kids to burn off energy without doing any damage to furniture. To set it up, you will need a large inflated balloon and a 10-foot-long piece of string or twine. Attach the string across a 10-foot-wide playing area that is clear of furniture and breakables, at a height of about 1 foot off the floor.
Fun Indoor Snow Games:
Brain Games Snowman Dice Board GameFrosty The Snowman – Follow the Leader - Card Game
Do You Want to Build a Snowman
The Camping Game
Select a child from the group to be the moderator, or "campground director," to play this game. Let the campground director "in" on the trick of the game, out of earshot of the other children. Have the children, each, in turn, declare what they would like to bring on the camping trip; the campground director either approves the selection or forbids it.
Julia, who would like to bring a tent, is "forbidden" to bring it, but Sam, who wants to bring sleeping bags, and Hannah, who wants to bring hamburgers, are "approved." The trick, of course, is that the item must begin with the first letter of the person's name.
This game, which promotes logical thinking can provoke some lively discussion, as children try to figure out why their suggestions are banned or approved. Smaller children that appear to be getting frustrated can be privately let in on the secret. A small prize can be offered to the child who finally figures out the trick.

Picture Scramble
Make sure to hold back 1 piece from each picture. Give each of the children a piece from a different picture and have them race to find and reassemble the images. The first child to do so wins a prize.

Memory Test
In a different room from the children, select between 5 and 20 different household objects, such as a pen, coin, button, or spoon and set them on a tray. Carry in the tray, let the children study them for 2 minutes, and take them out again. Give the children pencils and paper, and ask them to write down what they remember seeing.
If playing with very young children, use fewer objects and simply have them whisper in your ear what they remember. The child who recalls the most objects wins the game. To make it harder, you can remove an object from the tray, and have the participants try to decide which object is missing.
These games are also great for testing memory and to keep the kids entertained on snow days.
I Never Forget a Face Memory Matching GameSimon Handheld Electronic Memory Game
Snowball Fights
Bringing snow into the house or classroom usually ends up in a huge mess. Use craft materials and creativity to make snowballs and have a fun snowball fight. Younger children can make snowballs from rolled-up socks or white balloons. Older children can create snowballs by simply balling up white tissue paper, toilet paper, or newspapers.
Once the snowballs are made and the teams have been divided, begin the fight. Create a dividing line between the two teams and set a timer for the battle. The team that has the least amount of snowballs on their side after the timed play is the winner.

Snowman Games
Many children enjoy using their imagination and creativity to build and decorate snowmen. This fun game can be done without the snow and the snowman they create will never melt. Make 2 teams, and each team has to nominate someone to be the 'snowman'. The idea is to wrap your 'snowman' in toilet paper and add buttons, a hat and any other accessories.
You will need toilet paper, different-colored construction paper (black, orange, yellow, and red), and scissors. When the game starts, each team must wrap their 'snowman' with toilet paper from head to toe, leaving openings for his eyes and nose. The construction paper is used to create a hat, carrot nose, and other decorations.
Another snowman game is similar to "pin the tail on the donkey" and is fun for younger kids. Simply draw a snowman outline on a large piece of paper or cardboard box. The kids are blindfolded and given small, orange "carrot" cutouts. Whoever pins the carrot closest to the nose area is the winner.
Roll a Snowman
Try this fun Roll and Snowman and Build a Snowman games to keep the inside fun rolling!
Pass the Ice
This game is similar to "hot potato" and can provide hours of entertainment for children. Use a piece of ice or fill up a balloon with water and freeze it overnight. The game is played with music and many parents use winter or holiday songs. Instruct the children to pass the ice or frozen balloon around in a circle until the music stops. Whoever is holding the ice when the music stops is out. The last person left is the winner.
When the weather is bad outside, indoor snow games can help pass the time in a fun way. In fact, actual snow isn't even required to play these types of games. The key is to plan activities that bring out the enjoyable elements of a snowy day, such as snowball fights and snowmen. Most of the games only require simple household materials.
More Fun Party Games:
A great party needs great games! These perfect for teens board games are a great source of entertainment, competition and laughter. From classics to some new games, we've got you covered. So grab a few friends, some snacks, and get ready to have a blast!
Looking for a fun and frugal way to get your holiday gifts? Look no further than the Saran Wrap ball game! This easy game is perfect for family gatherings and can be adapted to any budget. Plus, who doesn't love presents?!