Dice Drinking Game

The Best Dice Drinking Games For Your Next Party

Looking for some fun new drinking games to add to your party repertoire? Look no further! Here are our top dice drinking games that are sure to get the party started. These games are easy to learn and can be enjoyed with groups of any size. So gather up your friends and get ready for some serious fun!



How to choose who starts the game

There are a few different ways that you can choose who starts the game.

  • Have everyone roll the dice and the person with the highest number starts. If there's a tie, you can either have the tied players roll again to see who goes first.
  • Choose someone at random, like using a coin flip or picking a name out of a hat.
  • You could also just let the host or whoever just celebrated their birthday go first
  • Choose the youngest or oldest in the group to start 

Whichever option you use to decide who starts the game, make sure everyone agrees on it before you start playing.

Leather Dice Cups and DiceLeather Dice Cups and DiceLeather Dice Cups and DiceDice Set Translucent Colors DiceDice Set Translucent Colors DiceDice Set Translucent Colors Dice


Rules for Dice Drinking Games

As with any games there are a few rules to follow when it comes to games involving alcohol. 

  • Know your limits and when to stop
  • Make sure you know the rules of the game before you start playing
  • Don't drink too much! Drinking games are meant to be fun, not dangerous.
  • If you're feeling sick or dizzy, take a break and have some water.
  • Be respectful of other people's boundaries. If someone doesn't want to play or doesn't want to drink, that's okay!
  • Some people might not want to drink alcohol during the game but still want to be part of the fun. If this is the case, you can easily modify the rules of any of these games to make them suitable. You could offer a non-alcoholic drink option for these people. The possibilities for everyone to join in are endless! So get creative and have fun.

Now that you know how to choose who starts the game, and some basic rules, let's move on to learning about some of the best dice drinking games out there. There are a ton of different dice drinking games out there and it can be hard to choose which one to play so why not play them all!

Dice in Cocktail

Fun Dice Drinking Games

These are some of the best dice drinking games that you can play at your next party! So get your friends together, break out the booze, and give them a try. We guarantee you'll have a blast. 

Drunk Dice

This classic dice drinking game is perfect for groups of four or more people and can be played with any type of alcohol. To play, each player rolls a die and the number they roll corresponds to a different drinking rule. For example, if you roll a one you have to take a drink, if you roll a two you have to give a drink away, and so on. The last player standing is the winner!

You can make up your own rules for this game or download our Printable Drunk Dice Game in our shop or get it FREE below.

Drunk Dice Game

Beer Dice 

One of the most popular dice drinking games is Beer Pong and this is a fun dice version. This fast-paced game is perfect for groups of four or more people. To play, you'll need a dice and four cups. The aim of the game is to bounce your die off the table and into your opponent's cup. All players take turns bouncing the die and and if they succeed, their opponent drinks the contents of that cup.

Dice Beer Pong Game

Higher or Lower

Higher or lower dice drinking game is perfect for large groups. It's a very simple game that can be enjoyed by everyone. To play, each player takes it in turns to roll the dice. They then have to guess whether the next person will roll a higher or lower number. If they guess correctly, they get to take a drink. If they guess wrong, they have to give a drink away. The first player to reach the agreed number of correct guesses is the winner!

Dice Games

Yahtzee Dice Drinking Game

This is a great game for two or more players and can be played with any type of alcohol. 

To play the Yahtzee drinking game, you'll need a set of Yahtzee dice, a cup for each player, and whatever alcoholic beverage you want to use. Players take turns rolling the dice and performing the corresponding action based on what they roll. For example, if you roll a one, you have to take a shot. If you roll a two, you have to give someone a drink.

Yahtzee Board Games Bundled with Yahtzee Score PadsYahtzee Board Games Bundled with Yahtzee Score PadsYahtzee Board Games Bundled with Yahtzee Score Pads


Six Cups

To play this fun game, you will need 6 plastic cups and a selection of alcohol. Write a number from 1-6 on each of the cups. Then each player rolls the dice and the number they roll corresponds to one of the cups. Whatever number you roll you must either drink the contents of that cup or, if the cup is empty you can fill it with whatever drink you choose.

For example, if you roll a one, and the cup is filled up, you drink the contents and your turn is over. Or if you roll a 4 and that cup is empty you must fill that cup with a drink of your choice and then your turn is over.

Drunk Jenga

This game is perfect for groups of four or more people and can be played with any type of alcohol. To play, each player must take a piece of Jenga and put it on the top of the tower. If they do this successfully they must then roll a dice and the number they roll corresponds to a different rule.

For example, if you roll a one, you have to take a shot. If you roll a two, you have to give someone a drink. The game continues until someone inevitably knocks over the Jenga tower, they then must drink their entire drink and is out of the game.

Jenga Classic GameJenga Classic GameJenga Classic Game


3 Man Dice Drinking Game

To start the game everyone sits in a circle and one at a time they roll one dice. Continue around the circle until someone rolls a '3' and now they become the 'Three Man' and the 'Three Man' must now drink.

Once the 'Three Man' has finished their drink, they then roll the dice again and the game starts with these rules

Roll a ONE: Person to your left drinks

Roll a TWO: Person to your right drinks

Roll a THREE: The 'Three Man' must drink.  If the current 'Three Man' rolls a 3 they can give the title of 'Three Man' to someone else. They are now free to resume drinking like everyone else in the circle.

Roll a FOUR: Choose a person to drink

Roll a FIVE: Person opposite you drinks

Roll a SIX: Everyone drinks

The game is over when everyone has had enough to drink.


The best dice drinking games are the ones that are easy to learn and can be enjoyed by groups of any size. These are just a few of the many different dice drinking games out there and are sure to get the party started. So gather up your friends and get ready for some serious fun! We guarantee you'll have a blast!

*please drink responsibly

If you are celebrating a 50th Birthday, then check out our range of fun 50th Birthday Party Games.