Water Balloon Games
Summer is a time for fun in the sun! What better way to enjoy a hot day than by playing games with water balloons? These games are perfect for kids of all ages. They are sure to keep you cool and entertained on a hot day. So grab some water balloons and get ready to have some fun!
This game is just like regular dodgeball, but with water balloons instead of balls. Be sure to have plenty of balloons on hand so that everyone can have a turn throwing and dodging.
Water Balloons Easy Quick Fill BalloonsBunch O Balloons Crazy Color Water Balloons
Easy Fill Colorful Water Balloons
Water Balloon Hot Potato
To play this game, fill a water balloon with water and have the kids pass it around in a circle. Whoever is holding the balloon when it pops gets soaked!
Water Balloon Target Practice
Set up some targets and see who can hit them with their water balloons. This game is perfect for those competitive kids. For teenagers and adults you can see who can throw their water balloon the longest distance.
Spoon Race
Balance a water balloon on a spoon and race to the finish line without dropping your balloon. To make this game harder, hold the spoon in your mouth!
Divide your group into 2 teams. Place some water balloons inside a hula hoop or draw a circle with some chalk to put the balloons inside. One at a time players must race down and try to pop one water balloon before running back and tagging their next team mate. The team who pops all of their balloons first will win. To make this more challenging, players are not allowed to use their hands or feet to pop the balloons.
Fill your bucket
You can play this game individually or in teams. Fill up plenty of water balloons and scatter over the yard. Give each person (or team) an empty container. Players must try to fill their container with water from the water balloons as quickly as possible. To do this, they need to find a water balloon and pop it, emptying the water into their container and continue doing this until their container is full or the time has run out. Players can only carry one water balloon at a time.
Water Balloon Tag
This is a great game for large groups. One person is “it” and has to tag other players with their water balloon. The more people you have playing, the more challenging this game becomes.
Water Balloon Fight
This is a great game for large or small groups and there really aren't any rules. Just fill up as many water balloons as you can and let the fun begin.
Minute to Win It Water Balloon Games
Pop The Balloon
For this game you will need a lot of water balloons. The aim of the game is to see how many water balloons you can pop in just one minute. Players must not use their hands and feet to pop the balloons.
Balloon Balance
See how long you can balance a water balloon on your head. This game is sure to have everyone laughing. Whoever can balance it the longest wins.
Water Balloon Juggle
See how long you can keep tossing two water balloons in the air. This game is sure to get your heart pumping.
Water Balloon Toss
Players must be in teams of 2. They will stand a short distance away from each other and when the timer starts the must toss the water balloon to each other. If they successfully catch the water balloon without it popping they must take a step back and toss it to each other again. Every time they successfully toss and catch the balloon they take a step backwards. At the end of one minute, whichever team has taken the most steps wins.
Reusable Water Balls
If you do not want all the debris over your yard from broken water balloons or you want something a little more environmentally friendly then these Reusable Water Balls are perfect. Soft cotton material so these are perfect for the little kids as no one will get hurt. Perfect for Summer parties or even for trampoline party games.
Reusable Water Balls, Cotton Splash BallsReusable Water Balls - Highly Absorbent Cotton Splash Balls
Reusable Water Balloons, Rapid Fill Water Balls
Water balloon games are a great way to cool down on a hot day. There are games for kids of all ages, teens, and adults. So grab some water balloons and get ready for some fun!
More Fun Party Games:
It's hot outside, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun. Beat the heat with these water sprinkler games that are sure to keep you entertained. From sprinkler jump to tug of war to just soaking each other in cool water, there's something for everyone here. So grab your friends and get ready to have a blast!
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