Mermaid Birthday Party Games: Fun Ideas for Your Under the Sea Celebration
If you're planning a mermaid themed birthday party for your little one, you'll want to make sure to include some fun and games! After all, what's a birthday party without games?
Here we will show you some of our favorite mermaid birthday party games that are sure to keep the kids entertained. From treasure hunts to mermaid pool party games, we have something for everyone! So dive into our list and get started on planning the perfect under the sea celebration.
Mermaid Birthday Treasure Hunt
This printable Treasure Hunt is a perfect way to keep your little mermaids entertained while they search for treasures. All you need is a printer, some paper, and some small plastic toys or shells for the final treasure.
Treasure Chest
Give each person 5 jewels and they must try to toss them into the open treasure chest from a set distances. You could also use bean bags instead of plastic jewels
Wooden Pirate Treasure Chest with Colored “Jewels”Kids Pirate Treasure Chest with coins
Pin the Tail on the Mermaid
Pin the tail on the mermaid is a classic party game with a fun twist! This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. All you need is a printable mermaid image and some 'tails' The kids will take turns blindfolded, trying to pin the tail on the mermaid. You could also try Pin the Flower/Shell on the Mermaid, where the kids must place a flower/shell sticker in the mermaid's hair. Whoever gets closest to the correct spot is the winner!
Pin The Tail on The Mermaid GamePin The Tails on The Mermaid
Pin The Tail on The Mermaid Party Game
Mermaid Escape Room
Have fun with this super easy to set up Mermaid themed escape room. This is perfect for ages 8-13. With no special equipment such as locks and envelopes needed, you can quickly print this game off and be playing in minutes!
Musical Chairs
Musical Chairs is always a hit at parties! This classic party game can easily be adapted to a mermaid theme. Simply play some fun under the sea themed music and have the kids sit in a circle. When the music stops, they need to find an empty chair and sit down. The person without a chair is out of the game. The last person standing is the winner!
Find the Hidden Treasure
Fill a kiddie pool or bucket with sand and hide some gems. Divide your guests into teams and one at a time players must try to find one hidden gem and place it in their team's 'treasure chest', then tag their next player. The team who finds all of their treasure first will win.
Mermaid Tail Race
For this game you will need one pillowcase or sack for each team. On “go” the first player in each team puts on the pillowcase (mermaid tail) and hops to a finish line and back. At the end of the race, they take off the pillowcase and pass it to the next player who then puts it on and races. The first team to have all their players complete the race wins!
Mermaid Party Games Potato Sack RaceMermaid Tale Potato Sack Race Bags
Pass the Parcel
Play this just like the classic pass the parcel game but when players unwrap a layer, there will be a challenge they must complete such as Sing mermaid Song, walk like a crab around the circle, do 5 jumping jacks.
Bindfolded Treasure Hunt
Fill a bucket with water and drop in some gems of all colors and one 'golden' gem. One at a time each person is blindfolded and they must pull out a gem from the bucket. Whoever finds the 'golden gem' will win a prize.
Pass the Treasure
This fun mermaid party game is similar to pass the parcel but with a twist! The kids will need to sit in a circle and pass around a small treasure. Whoever is holding the treasure when the music stops is out of the game. The last person standing is the winner!
Candy Guess
Everyone loves candy games. Fill a jar with colored candy and have each player guess how many pieces of candy are in the jar and write down their guess. The person with the closest guess, wins and can take home the jar of candy!

Fish Relay
Divide your guests into two teams and fill two bowls with goldfish crackers. Give each team a spoon. On “go” the first player from each team uses the spoon to transfer as many goldfish crackers as they can to an empty bowl at the other end of the room. Once they have transferred all their goldfish, they run back and tag the next player on their team who then does the same thing. The first team to have all their players complete the relay wins!
Goldfish Colors Cheddar CrackersGoldfish Baked Snack Crackers
Mermaid Pool Party Games
Treasure Hunt
One of our favorite mermaid pool party games is a Treasure Hunt! This is a great game for all abilities. Hide small plastic toys, shells or jewels in the pool and on some pool toys. Then let the kids go on a treasure hunt! The confident swimmers can dive to the bottom of the pool to retrieve the treasures and others can search on the surface of the water for the floating treasures. You can even make it a competition by seeing who can find the most items or assign each child a color or certain item to find.
Pool Diving Gem Toys Treasures Hunt
Mermaid Race
Swimmers must race from one end of the pool to the other, keeping their legs and feet together just like a mermaid tail. They can not stop or touch the bottom during the race.
Sharks and Mermaids
Similar to the classic sharks and minnows game, this version is perfect for a mermaid birthday party! Divide the kids into two teams, sharks and mermaids. The sharks start in the middle of the pool and the mermaids line up at one end. On “go” the sharks swim to try to tag as many mermaids as they can. The mermaids can swim to the other side of the pool to safety.
If you are looking for other fun Pool Party Games we have some fun and exciting games that will keep kids of all ages entertained. So dive in and get ready for some serious summer fun!

A mermaid birthday party is a great way to celebrate your child's special day. With these fun games, your guests will be entertained for hours. Have you thrown a mermaid birthday party before? What other ideas do you have to make the celebration even more festive? Let us know in the comments below.
Mermaid Party Game Prizes
All the little mermaids at your party would love to win a mermaid prize for playing these games, so get a stash of mermaid magical treasures to hand out to the winners.
Mermaid Party Prizes and Favors for KidsMermaid Party Straws for Prizes or Favors
Mini Mermaid Notebooks Mermaid Party Prizes
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