Christmas Crafts for Tweens
Fun and Easy Christmas Crafts for Tweens
Crafting is such a fun way to get into the holiday spirit – and these fun Christmas crafts for tweens are sure to please even the pickiest crafters out there! So grab some supplies and get started on one (or all!) of these fun projects today.
Middle school aged children love Christmas crafts. Working on a holiday project brings out the creative side in many kids who are in their tween years. This holiday season, plan some easy Christmas crafts your students can make and take home.

So if you’re looking for some easy and fun Christmas crafts for tweens then look no further! We’ve rounded up some of the best crafts that are perfect for this age group. From ornaments to wreaths to garlands, there’s something here for everyone. So get those creative juices flowing and let’s get started!
Ornament Crafts
One of the best things about Christmas is decorating the tree with all of your homemade ornaments. Here are a few ornament crafts that your tween will love:
Salt Dough Ornaments: These ornaments are super easy to make and they look so cute! All you need is some salt dough, which you can make with just flour, salt, and water.
Then just let your tween get creative with cutting out shapes and adding details. Once they’re done, bake the ornaments in the oven and then let them cool completely. Add a string and you’re ready to hang them on the tree!

Felt Ornaments: Felt is such a great material to craft with because it doesn’t fray and it’s very versatile. For this project, you’ll want to cut out some basic shapes from felt – think stars, snowflakes, gingerbread men, etc.
Then let your tween add details like beads, sequins, buttons, etc. Once they’re done decorating, just stitch or glue the two pieces of felt together and add a string for hanging.

Wreath Crafts
Wreaths are such a festive way to decorate for Christmas! Here are a few wreath crafts that your tween will enjoy making:
Paper Plate Wreath: This wreath is so easy to make and it looks great! All you need is a paper plate, some construction paper or wrapping paper, scissors, glue, and a stapler.
First, have your tween cut the paper plate in half. Then they can decorate the halves however they want – wrapping paper is always a good choice! Once they’re done decorating, glue or staple the two halves together and then add a ribbon for hanging. That’s it!
Popsicle Stick Wreath: This wreath is a little more time-consuming than the paper plate wreath but it’s still relatively easy to make. You’ll need popsicle sticks (a lot of them!), hot glue, ribbon, and any other decorations you want to add (glitter, paint, etc.).
First, have your tween glue the popsicle sticks together in a circular shape. Once that’s dry, they can start decorating! Once they’re done, add a ribbon for hanging and voila! You’ve got yourself a beautiful DIY wreath.
Bright Jumbo Wood Craft SticksNatural Wooden Craft Sticks
Jingle Bell Wreaths: These miniature jingle bell wreaths are pretty and festive when hung on a Christmas tree. They can also be hung on a doorknob as a welcoming jingle. You will need some small jingle bells, thin craft wire and narrow ribbon.
Jingle Bells for CraftsCraft Wire
Jingle Bells for Crafts
Thread the jingle bells through a section of craft wire, occasionally pushing them as close as possible and shaking the wire to make the jingle bells fit closely next to one another.
Form into a circle and twist the wire at the top to close the circle. Leave a small amount to form into a hook to hang. Tie the ribbon into a bow at the top.

Garland Crafts
Garlands are such a simple way to spruce up your home for Christmas time. Here are two garland crafts that your tween will love making:
Beaded Garland: This garland is really pretty and it’s not too difficult to make. You’ll need beads (of course), pipe cleaners, scissors, and tape. First, have your tween thread the beads onto the pipe cleaners until they’re about 3/4 full.
Then bend the ends of the pipe cleaners so that they’re flush with the beads and tape them down so that they don’t come undone. That’s it! Your beaded garland is now ready to be hung up around your home.
Popcorn Garland: This garland smells as good as it looks! You’ll need popcorn kernels (you can pop them yourself or buy already popped popcorn), string or thread, needle (optional),and wax paper (optional).
If you’re popping your own popcorn kernels, do so according to package directions. Once the popcorn is popped (and cooled), string it onto thread or string using a needle (this step is optional – you could also just tie the popcorn onto the string).
If you’re worried about making too much of a mess, lay down some wax paper before you start stringing the popcorn onto the thread, this will make cleanup much easier. Once all of the popcorn is strung onto the thread/string, your garland is ready to be hung up around your home – enjoy!

Fun crafts
Christmas Crackers: Christmas traditions in many families is for the children to each get a Christmas cracker, a small tube filled with candy and trinkets and covered in pretty Christmas wrap. When you pull on both ends at the same time, the paper covering pops off and the goodies spill out.
Tweens can make their own using just a few supplies. They can fill their Christmas crackers with candy and small toys. A variation is to substitute the toilet paper tubes with the front covers of Christmas cards rolled into a tube and taped.
You will need these things to make your own Christmas crackers. Toilet paper tubes, Christmas wrapping paper and ribbon. Fill the tube with whatever candy and toys you have available. Wrap the tube in Christmas wrap, leaving 3-4 inches of paper at each end. Tie the ends with ribbon.
DIY Christmas CrackersChristmas Crackers DIY
Paper Snowflakes: One of the most classic Christmas crafts is paper snowflakes. They’re simple to make and they look beautiful hanging up around your home. All you need is some white construction paper and scissors.
First, fold your piece of construction paper in half. Then fold it in half again. Now you should have a smaller square. Starting at the folded edge, cut small (1-2 inch) strips into the paper, being careful not to cut all the way to the other side.
Once you’ve cut all around the square, unfold your paper and you should see a beautiful snowflake design. If you want, you can cut out the center of the snowflake to make it lacy. Now all you need to do is hang up your snowflakes around your home and enjoy!
3D Hanging Snowflakes Christmas DecorationsSnowflakes Outdoor Christmas Ornaments
Snowflake Hanging Swirl Decorations
There are so many fun and easy Christmas crafts for tweens! These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, your tween can make any of these crafts their own. Merry Christmas!