Camp Games
Camping is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. But what do you do once you're all set up in your campsite? If you're looking for some fun ideas, look no further! Here are some great camping games that will keep both kids and adults entertained throughout your trip.
Camping games are a great way to spend some quality time with family and friends while enjoying the great outdoors. Here are some of our favorites.
Camping Games for Kids
Scavenger Hunt
This classic game can be easily adapted to fit a camping setting. It can be played in teams or individually. Hide items around the campsite or nature hike area and give everyone a list of items. This can be anything from common objects to specific items only found in nature like this nature scavenger hunt. Then have everyone search for them all. The first team or person to find all of the items wins
Follow the Leader
Take turns being the leader and choose a different route each time. The goal is to make it into a fun obstacle course and see if everyone else can follow you.
I Spy
This simple game can be played anywhere, anytime! One person starts by saying "I spy with my little eye something [color/shape/size]." The other people playing then have to guess what object it is, that the person is spying. The first person to guess correctly gets to go next!
What is your Camping Name?
Find out your funny camping name with this printable game.
Nature Photography
See who can take the best photos of nature using a digital camera. You could give players things they need to photograph or just let them loose and see who comes back with the most amazing photo. Pair up the younger ones with an older child or teen to help out.
Flashlight tag
This is one of the most popular camping games. This game is similar to regular tag, but instead of touching someone to tag them, you'll use a flashlight to illuminate them. As with other games you can also use glow sticks to light up the area where you're playing. This will make it easier and much more fun.
LED FlashlightLED Flashlight
LED Handheld Flashlight
Make Believe Campfire
This game is perfect for younger children. Have the group sit in a circle and take turns adding dead "logs" (sticks) to the "fire" (a pile of rocks in the center of the circle). As each log is added, the storyteller tells a part of a made-up story about what's happening around the campfire.
Card Games
There are endless possibilities when it comes to card games. From Go Fish to Uno, there's sure to be a game that everyone will enjoy. Pack a deck of cards in your camping gear so you're never bored!
Camping Games for Teens
Camping is a great way for teenagers to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy some time in nature. But spending hours upon hours in the great outdoors can get a bit boring if you don't have any teen camp activities planned. That's why we've put together a list of the best camping games for teenagers to help make your next trip a success.
Capture the Flag
This classic game can be easily adapted to work in a camping setting. All you need is two teams, two flags, and an area to play in. Split into two teams and designate each team's territory. The object of the game is to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your own base. To make things more challenging, you can add obstacles that the players have to navigate around. The first team to capture the other team's flag wins!
Capture The Flag Game illuminatedThe Original Glow in The Dark Capture The Flag Game
Treasure Hunt
This is a great way to explore your surroundings and bond with your fellow campers. You will need some fun riddles/clues that the campers will need to solve. Each clue will lead them to the next one and finally to the treasure hidden at the end of the hunt. If you have many campers wanting to play it is best to divide into teams. You can make up your own clues or these tricky Outdoor Teen Treasure Hunt clues can be printed out for a quick and easy hunt.
Hiking Relay
This is perfect for those who love being active and exploring the great outdoors. Divide into teams and see which team can get to a certain checkpoint first. The catch is that only one person from each team can be moving at any given time, so teamwork is key!
For example, player one might run ahead then stop, allowing player 2 to catch up. Then player 1 and 2 will freeze while player 3 then runs to join them. Continue this until your entire team reaches the checkpoint. The first entire team to reach the checkpoint wins.
Photo scavenger hunt
For this game, each team should be given a list of nature-themed items that they need to find and take pictures of within a certain time frame. The team with the most pictures at the end of the game wins! This is a great way to explore your surroundings and get some great photos while you're at it. Or try this fun printable selfie scavenger hunt and photo scavenger hunt.
This is a real-world treasure hunting game using GPS devices. Hide caches (containers) and then give others the coordinates so they can try to find them.
Garmin eTrex 10 Worldwide Handheld GPS NavigatorGeocaching: Basic Beginner's Guide
Geocaching Rock
This is a great way to explore the area you're camping in. Using a map and compass, see who can navigate their way to certain checkpoints the quickest.
Campfire Stories
This is a classic camping activity that's perfect for teenage campers. Gather around the campfire and take turns telling stories that are guaranteed to send chills down your spine! The person with the best story wins bragging rights for the rest of the trip!
Ghost in the Graveyard
This is another classic camping game that's sure to get your adrenaline pumping. Choose one person to be "it" and have them stand in an open area away from everyone else. Everyone else should hide somewhere. Once everyone is hidden, "it" will call out "Ghost in the graveyard!" at which point everyone will race back to "it." The first person back is safe, but everyone else gets caught by the ghost! The last person standing becomes "it" for the next round.
Two Truths and a Lie
This game is perfect for getting to know your fellow campers better! Have everyone sit in a circle and take turns telling three facts about themselves – two truths and one lie. Everyone else then has guesses which facts are true and which one is false. The person who fools the most people wins!
Survival Skills Challenge
Put your survival skills to the test with this fun game. See who can build the best shelter, start a fire, find water, etc.
S’mores Contest
No camping trip would be complete without s'mores! Put your s'more making skills to the test by seeing who can create the most creative s'more recipe. Be sure to take lots of pictures so you can remember your delicious creations!

One Man Tag
This game is played just like regular tag but using flashlights instead. Try playing this in teams where one member from each team has their flashlight turned one and tries to tag everyone. Once they have been tagged they can turn on their flashlight and help trying to tag the others. Last team with member who haven't been caught yet wins.
You could also try playing this Elimination Style where once someone gets tagged they're out until there's only one player or 1 winning team left .
Glow in the Dark Camping Games
Do you like playing games in the dark? Well, now you can do it in style with these globe in the dark camping games. These games are perfect for a summer night spent camping under the stars. And, since they're all about having fun in the dark, they're sure to be a hit with both kids and adults alike.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your camping gear and head on out to your favorite spot for some glow in the dark action!
Glow Hide-and-seek
One of the classic camping games, hide-and-seek is perfect for playing in the dark. To make it even more fun, try using glow sticks to light up the area where you're playing. This will make it easier to find hiding spots, and it will also add an element of strategy to the game. For example, if you're trying to hide you'll need to find a spot that is dark enough to conceal you. But be careful – if you're too deep in the darkness, they may have a hard time finding you!
Glow-in-the-Dark Scavenger Hunt
Another great game for playing in the dark is a Glow-in-the-Dark Scavenger Hunt. This game is similar to a regular scavenger hunt, but instead of looking for items during the day, you'll be searching for them at night. To make things even more fun, try hiding glowsticks and everyone must try to find. The person with the most glowsticks when the time is up will be the winner.
Camping Games for Adults
Camping is a great way to spend some time outdoors. But, let's be honest, it can also be pretty boring if you don't have anything to do. That's why we've put together a list of the best camp games for adults. So, next time you're planning a camping trip, make sure to bring along one (or more!) of these awesome games.
This classic game is sure to get everyone laughing. To play, divide into teams and have one person from each team act out a word or phrase while the others try to guess what it is. The first team to guess correctly wins a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
This classic board game is perfect for a campfire night. If you've never played Scrabble before, the goal is to spell out words using tiles with different letter values. The person with the highest score at the end of the game wins!
Scrabble Deluxe Edition GameScrabble: National Parks Edition
Scrabble Classic Board Game
Cards Against Humanity
This popular party game is perfect for a group of friends who are looking to laugh all night long. To play, simply deal out the black cards evenly among players. Then, each player will choose one white card from their hand that they think best completes the black card prompt.
The player who submitted the funniest/most offensive answer wins the round and gets to keep the black card as a point. The first player to reach 10 points wins the game!
What Do You Meme?
This newer game is similar to Cards Against Humanity but with memes instead of cards. If you're not familiar with memes, they are basically internet culture jokes that are often Image captioned photos or gifs. To play, simply deal out the Meme cards evenly among players. Then, each player will choose one Photo card from their hand that they think best goes with the Meme prompt.
The player who submitted the funniest/most offensive answer wins the round and gets to keep the Meme card as a point. The first player to reach 10 points wins the game!
What Do You Meme? Adult Party Game
Apples to Apples
Another classic party game that's perfect for a group of friends looking for a good laugh. To play, simply deal out 7 Green Apple cards to each player face down. Then, shuffle up the Red Apple deck and deal out 7 cards to each player face up in front of them so everyone can see them.
The player who starts will then choose one of their Green Apple cards and lay it down next to any one of the Red Apple cards in front of them so that it creates a funny/witty comparison.
The other players will then vote on which Green Apple card they think was funniest/most clever comparison and whoever submitted that card gets to keep the Red Apple as a point .The first person to reach 10 points wins!
Apples to Apples: The Game of Crazy Combinations
Heads Up!
This fun game is perfect for those who are looking for something more active but still want to laugh all night long. To play, a designated person flips over an object on their forehead without seeing what it is themselves, and give clues about what it might be without actually saying its name. For example, if it’s an animal, say whether its big or small domestic or wild etc continue until somebody guesses right. Whoever has guessed right most times by end of game wins!
Camping Night Activities
When the sun goes down, that's when the real fun begins! Here are some ideas for camping night activities that will have everyone laughing and enjoying themselves:
Ghost Stories
One person starts by telling a ghost story. The next person then adds on to the story. This continues until the story becomes so ridiculous that everyone is laughing. If ghost stories aren't your thing, try telling scary stories instead. Just make sure they're not too scary for the younger kids.
Campfire Songs
There are so many great campfire songs out there. pick some of your favorites and sing them around the fire.
Star Gazing
One of the best things about camping is being able to stare up at all of the stars at night.. Lie down on a blanket and look up at the stars. See who can spot the most constellations or name all of planets in our solar system. Bonus points if you can find Saturn's rings or Jupiter's red spot!.
Binoculars or telescope optional but definitely encouraged! (If you don't have either don't worry just lay on your back and look straight up!)
Travel TelescopeHigh Power Binoculars
Marshmallow Roasting
This is a classic camping activity that everyone loves. roast some marshmallows over the fire and enjoy!
Camp Games for Small Groups
Camp is a time for making new friends, learning new skills, and having lots of fun. But sometimes, it can be tricky to find games that are suitable for small groups. That's why we've put together a list of the best camp games for small groups.
Board Games
Board games are so much fun and perfect for small groups. If you trying to entertain teenagers, check our list of the best board games for teens
Blindfolded Obstacle Course
This is a great game for team building. Set up an obstacle course using things like hula hoops, cones, and rope. One member of each team is blindfolded and the other team members guide them through the course. The first team to finish wins!
What am I?
This game is perfect for small or large groups. Have one person think of an animal, object, or person. The rest of the group then takes turns asking yes or no questions to try to guess what it is. The first person to guess correctly gets to think of the next thing!
Name That Tune
This game is perfect for groups of all ages. One person hums a tune and the others have to guess what song it is. The first person to guess correctly gets to hum the next tune!
Camping Games That Are Perfect For Large Groups
There are plenty of fun camping games that are perfect for large groups. Here are some of our favorites:
Campground Limbo
This game is perfect for larger groups and is sure to get everyone moving. Set up a limbo pole (a broom handle or other long object will work) and have players take turns limboing under it. Lower the pole after each round until there's only one person left standing!
Campsite Olympics
Have some friendly competition with campground Olympics! This can include anything from tug-of-war to limb-walking races (walking on your hands and feet). Be creative and have fun!
Water Relay
Everyone playing will need a plastic drinking cup. Have each team line up and the person at the front fills their cup with water. They will now pass the cup over their head and try to pour it into their next team mates cup (without looking!) This continues until reaching the last person in the team. That person will have to empty their cup into a bucket. The first team to fill their bucket will win.
Simon Says
This game is perfect for large groups. One person is "Simon" and the rest of the group is Simon's followers. Simon gives commands such as "jump," "touch your nose," or "spin around." The followers must do what Simon says, but only if Simon begins his command with "Simon says." If Simon does not say "Simon says" before giving a command, the followers should not do it.
The game is over when a follower doesn't do what Simon says or when Simon messes up and doesn't say "Simon says." The last person following becomes the next Simon!
Red Light, Green Light
To play, one person is "it" and stands at the other end of the playing area from the rest of the group. The group members stand in a line at the start line. When "it" says, "Green light," the group members can take as many steps as they want toward "it." When "it" says, "Red light," the group members must stop moving. If "it" catches someone moving, they have to go back to the start line. The first person to reach "it" wins and becomes the next "it"!
These are just a few ideas for camping games that will keep both kids and adults entertained during your trip. Whether you're looking for an active game or something more relaxed, there's sure to be a camping game that's perfect for your group. So get outside and enjoy some quality time with friends and family this summer having fun and making lasting memories.
More Fun Party Games:
It's finally summer break! Here's a list of fun things to do this summer. From swimming and camping to visiting new places and trying out new activities, there's something for everyone on this list. Make sure you check off everything on your bucket list before the summer ends!
Summertime is the perfect time to break out all of your favorite pool party games! From classic games like Marco Polo to new favorites like Beach ball Race we've got you covered. So get ready for some serious fun with these awesome pool party activities!